Emergency Manager | Mentor | Instructor

I equip individuals and organizations with the tools and strategies to become more resilient and thrive in the face of any challenge.

Because when one thing goes wrong, EVERYthing shouldn't!

"little changes we can all make..."

Diane Logsdon’s training was amazing. She told stories about little changes we can all make in our personal lives and big changes we should definitely implement at work. The presentation was engaging and she provided a very comprehensive list of resources. I would recommend her training to anyone."

- Angie S., Rockford, IL

Joins Us For:

Consulting • MasterMind • Workshops Webinars

30 Years Experience

Dozens of National Deployments

Non-Hospital Specialty

"Great presentation and topic!"

"Phenomenal today at IAEM! Thanks for bringing the important topic of harassment to the EM community. Much needed!!!"

- Jono A, Assistant Professor

Meet Diane

Before I "tripped" into disaster work, I had multiple jobs and life experiences that would have benefited from some preparedness, operations and continuity planning. And it seemed as if each response was the first one - all over again.

Just like others, I work to adjust to an ever-changing disaster landscape.

Sometimes I am asked how I can sleep at night. That is simple (and yet not easy), I keep working to move my community forward in preparedness and move that needle!

That's why I really focus on getting in front of groups of people to share my experience, tools and resources.

FACEBOOK: @LogsdonConsult

LINKEDIN: @Logsdon-Group • TWITTER/X: @LogsdonConsult

Expert Specialties


CMS Emergency Prep Rule


Team Training


Exercise Compliance

Preparedness Topics (and more!)

Emergency Operation Plans

Incident Command Application

Exercise Design and Conduct

Communication Plans

Training Development

After Action Review

Continuity Plans

Training Delivery

Improvement Plans

See Me On Stage

As Seen (2023-24) In The Community


IL Rural Health Association

Lip Service or Full Service - Self & Team Care


Hanover Twp EM Conference

Lip Service or Full Service - Self & Team Care


IL Emergency Svcs Mgmt Assoc

Lip service or Full Service - Self & Team Care


Intl. Association of Emergency Mgrs

Lip service or Full Service - Self & Team Care


No IL EM Consortium

Is the Great Dust Bowl on Repeat for 2030?


ADMIT Medical Group

Resolve to be Ready for the New Year!


Del Webb Lifelong Learning

Multiple disaster and history sessions


WI Emergency Mgmt Association

Lip Service or Full Service - Self & Team Care

"Prepared 100%"

I wanted to reach out and thank you. I'm prepared for COVID 19 100 percent thanks to you and the other instructors. I wanted to reach out and say thanks!

- Lance, NJ

Ready to be Resilient? Join Our Readiness Roundtable!

Share your validated email address to be sent the link for our Readiness Roundtable group!

We currently offer two mastermind sessions per month - more will be added as needed.

Our Socials

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