Our next program starts in:

Future Females in Emergency Management

A spray and pray approach to career direction is less than your education investment deserves....

pattern interrupt

What is your space in EM?

Having a hard time finding a space in EM as a woman?
Or that it is much more difficult for a woman to find fulfilling positions?

Or that you may need to just accept the first (or any) position offered?

Career strategy and coaching in the traditional world don't take into account the intricacies of the world of emergency management.

Or the impact we women want to make on the communities we serve!

Ready to jump-start your career plan?

Are you ready for the Strategic FFEM-ship (Not a "fellowship"; this program is for the Future Female Emergency Manager)

Do you believe:

Every time you apply for a position, have a first interview, learn of a recent retiree...


someone else is offered and accepts that position,


you can't even get a reply asking for input regarding why you weren't...

this is somehow your fault?

How does RETIREMENT open opportunity?

Retirements are to be expected. But when it feels like each retirement is met by another person getting the position, it can feel defeating.

If no one is retiring, could you be the GAP?

Women tend to be our own worst enemy. Are you talking yourself down? Or up?

Most important:

Know that nothing is set in stone.
We are meant to learn and grow.

Skill to continue our evolution mean that we are ready to respond in the future.

More Confidently. More Expertly. More FFEM-ININLY

WE've discovered

That WE know better...

And when we listen to the generic "career" path chatter, it minimizes (and sometimes dismisses) our individual skill, talent, and passions.
This program offers a new, supportive and uplifting community for F.F.E.M. and we invite you to explore the community.

Founding members are welcome to lifetime free access!

my story

As a LOCAL emergency management consulting firm COMMITTED to supporting small to mid-size organizations that can't finance a FTE position or a "downtown" firm, we have carved out our own path.
But we had decades of experience to apply and a network of partners to get us started.

Because where I was, they weren't giving me full opportunities.

I started my career with the American Red Cross. And although I didn't make a living wage while I was there, because they didn't know what to do with me - AND I knew what was important to me - they pretty well left me to my own "devices".


When we are in a space of trust and freedom, we soar. And if we are in a space of scarcity and fear, we settle.

Are you ready to identify what really lights you up and fills your soul through your work efforts?

Do you want to truly align your paycheck to the things that are important to your soul?

Are you tired of the concept that women struggle to get into and advance in emergency management roles?

Honestly, it frustrates us that so many people struggle to make their way when there is SO MUCH work to be done in preparedness and planning. All we need to do is look at the current years' disasters and the death, injury, and damage statistics.

just imagine

A world in which every one of us serve as a leader in preparing our community and making space for the next generation of FFEM Pro!

Confident Job Seeking

Career Fulfillment

Resilient Community

Life Balance...



Focused Effort & Lower Stress...

Wasted time, wasted money, frustration, or consistent job seeking are a drain and dampen the FIRE to make a difference in the world.

Coaches consistently tell business owners to "do only the things that only you can do."

Let's identify the "one thing" that ONLY YOU CAN DO and keep your fire burning to be the change we need!

Still On The Fence?

You're still here, so...

You recognize that effort may leave you worrying about your career path.

And you recognize that your skill and passion may not immediately translate to EM employers.


You clearly see something in response/recovery that you KNOW you can improve.

You see waste (effort, $, resources) that can stop.

Step into a safe space to explore the methods you could use to fully inform the world of your PASSION.


You clearly see need in our world that is not being met.
You recognize spaces where we can easily improve (low-hanging fruit) and spaces where we will need to dedicate long-range effort, blood, sweat, and tears to make the change.
Learn how to express your change mission.

Doing more with less is only effective when we realize more from our lesser effort.


EMPOWER Career Strategy FFEM-Ship

You are among the first to receive the link to our new FFEM-Ship Cohort application.

In this fresh, 6-workshop, online program, developed specifically for the Future Female Emergency Manager (FFEM) you will explore yourself, emergency management, sociology, and business management, and develop a strategic plan for how your passion will change our world and be the impact YOU desire!

Follow the steps from the program in the future to continue to strategically design your best world - personal, professional, and philanthropic.






Strategic Planning

We are planners. So, let's walk through a process for you to develop strategy for your career and life.

Hard Skills

It can take years to learn business skills in their full form.

Let's short-cut to some quick-to-apply skills to demonstrate YOU.

Soft Skills

We each have inherent soft skills and learned soft skills from our education career. Let's capture yours so you can highlight them.

All In One Comprehensive Program

Decision making can be easier, workdays lighter, happier, and opportunity realized when you focus effort and attention strategically!


Space is limited - time is short.

EMPOWER FFEM-ship program is open to a limited number of women each session in order to allow each person to have a focus on their individual needs and passions. We try to align to academic semesters so that women in educational programs can complete their Strategic Plan as they capstone their degree.

Previous grads can also apply for the program. Your early career experience will enrich the cohort for everyone!


With over 30 years of emergency and disaster preparedness, response, and community volunteerism, we are confident that our process will support your efforts to identify your priorities.

From there, you will target who and how you wish to serve your community.
And you will develop a strategy for conducting your life work through your values and mission.
Should you need to stop during the program, a simple 15 day notice will stop regular payments or result in a pro-rated refund for full payment members.


We are thrilled to offer you these Program Bonuses:



Each "semester" includes 2 private 1:1 Bonus Sessions with Diane to focus efforts or gain additional input into your strategy process. Schedule this laser mentoring anytime during the 6 month program at your convenience.



We will read three books throughout the 6-month period and have 1 additional meeting on even months to discuss what the material meant to us, how we can apply concepts, what we will adjust in our lives from the learning, etc.



You may have heard this referred to as "SMExpert" elsewhere. We don't believe there are many sole "experts" in the world. But there are LOADS of resources. We will bring you hot, female SMRs to enhance your strategy!



Join the PRIVATE LinkedIn group and stay engaged during and after the program to continue learning and growing with your new friends. There is also an opportunity to join our ongoing EM MasterMind Group to continue your growth trajectory!

EMPOWER Strategic FFEM-ship

A Career Strategy Cohort

Month 1 - Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $597)

Month 2 - Find your mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $597)

Month 3 - Find your rhythm . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $597)

Month 4 - You want to work WHERE? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $597)

Month 5 - Work "Experience" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $597)

Month 6 - Hope(ful) Living . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $597)

Bonus Session(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $297)

Book - Club - Biz, EM, Leadership books . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $450)

TOTAL VALUE = ($4,329)

Program Price = $197/session

they say


Bethanie A


I first met Diane when I was a new, female, college emergency management student. It was nice to meet someone like me in a male-dominated profession. She showed me that it is an asset to have a voice, that you can make a difference, and that the "box" is meant to be thought outside of. Her mentoring and friendship are invaluable to me.

Chelsey P

Amazing Mentor

Diane has been an amazing mentor for me and my career as I was starting to branch out. She helped me see through my imposter syndrome through sharing her personal and professional experiences and wisdom with me. She pushed me to see and achieve my long- range goals through our strategic planning exercises!

"Confident" ... "Prepared" ... " "!

Ready for your work life to coincide with personal in an easier, lighter, happier, manner? This program supports your life.

Learn More

We are passionate about our impact on the world. Check out a couple of shorts about our mission!

Space is LIMITED

To ensure every FFEM has 1:1 time in workgroups, cohort space is limited - APPLY NOW.

you asked

We know that you have limited time and resources. Here the top questions we get:

What is the time commitment?

Monthly sessions include a 1-hour seminar and a 2-hour workgroup. All sessions are LIVE and interactive; seminars will be recorded, workgroups are in-person only. Sessions are scheduled for Saturday mornings.
Sessions are meant to be inspirational for participants to apply concepts to their own lives. For this reason, we don't believe that anyone will feel as if there is "homework".
Results of the program will be directly reflective of the time that the participant spends. Even being engaged in just the group discussions will help everyone to learn and grow.

I'm not in the Central Time Zone

The times of the sessions have been set with consideration for the continental USA time zones in order to accommodate as wide of an audience as possible.
Saturday was selected for all program sessions to deconflict with schedules of currently working FEMs.
Timing for bonus sessions will be discussed as a group to accommodate as many as possible prior to the start of the program.
Our intention is to make the program AS ACCESSIBLE as possible to ensure that you have a fully successful cohort!

What if I can't do all months?

Because the program is a cohort that everyone must apply to be in, and the participants are selected out of a pool with no Wait List, and the materials are to be covered in order, participants should commit to invest in themselves for the entire program.
In short, if a participant accepts a "seat", they are committing to stay in the program for the entirety.

Cohort Space is LIMITED

Applications are processed as they are received. Don't miss your opportunity by waiting to apply!

EMPOWER Strategic FFEM-ship

A Career Strategy Cohort

Month 1 - Visioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $597)

Month 2 - Speak your Passion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $597)

Month 3 - You in EM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $597)

Month 4 - You want to work WHERE? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $597)

Month 5 - Work "Experience" . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $597)

Month 6 - Hope(ful) Living . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $597)

Bonus Session - Align your "Look" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $297)

Book - Club - Biz, EM, Leadership books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $297)

TOTAL VALUE = ($4,200)

Package Price = $197/session